self awareness

Be kind, To yourself

Be kind, To yourself

Respect your body. I know for myself, as I can only speak for me. That the minute I started to not focus on my fitness as being something I simply had to do, and something that I enjoy doing, weight dropped off, I trimmed down and I became a lot sexier from the inside out. Now everybody is different, if you’d like more support in overcoming these minor things in your life, reach out. I’ve had clients do complete 360’s from hating their natural beautiful faces to never wearing foundation again, to women not feeling sexy enough to go to the beach, to shopping for a bikini that afternoon.

You can overcome anything, just need to remember any thought you limit yourself to believing is a limiting belief, so switch it, if you cant switch it then get in contact and we’ll haven that!

Overcoming Fear: The Root of Emotional Trauma and Unpleasant Feelings

Overcoming Fear: The Root of Emotional Trauma and Unpleasant Feelings

In overcoming the past and overcoming fear, we have to realise that the fear is just a thought that we have, a thought that we keep thinking and therefore it becomes real.

The subconscious doesn’t know/nor care if what you’re saying it real or not. It just responds to what you’re saying so you can say really whatever you feel.



You’ve created procrastination. You’ve created it because from the fear of doing something you don’t want to do or simple because you’ve not done it before

When we look at what brings on procrastination from doing the thing you want to do, the procrastination stems from fear, guilt, rage, stress, low self esteem and these emotions come from memories that we have experienced and it’s the mind again keeping us safe from the unknown.

Stepping into the new year..

Stepping into the new year..

Wow, what a year it has been. Many highs and many lows and somewhere in between I feel a deep sense of gratitude and mourning. Looking back having thought I would have achieved more, yet also realising I’ve achieved beyond what I thought was possible. Realising that no one ever has it figured out and that we’re all just playing this game called life.

Short Affirmational Statements

Short Affirmational Statements

By adding havening (#addhavening) to affirmations, they will be encoded up to 3 x faster. Below are beautifully put together statements on different topics all surrounding you and your belief system. Take the time to Haven them in whenever and where ever you feel called. 

Finding a Mantra

Finding a Mantra

For me, you'll know I didn't always feel enough, in actual fact for years I lived in a state of 'confidently anxious' as I'd like to call it. Until, Havening 'found me' at one of my lowest points, for this I'm forever grateful. Having the feeling of 'worthless' removed from my subconscious, has had the most profound effect on my life.

That voice inside us all

That voice inside us all

What you think about expands and that’s why dealing with your ‘issues and/or problems’ is so important. So you can move past the shitty foggy fear based stories that you’re telling yourself and holding yourself back! And remember you weren’t born with the beliefs, you simply picked them up and downloaded them into yourself from other people's beliefs. Time to upgrade?

Stop the pity party

Stop the pity party

Throwing a pity party will only make you feel like crap, by dragging the problem out! We all know that feeling and why the heck do we let ourselves?

The trick is catching yourself when you have these moments, do you know that fear and gratitude can’t live in the same moment, so which will you choose?

Havening & Me

Havening & Me

So here I was, between two power house women, having no idea what I was in for, but knowing whatever Karen was on, I wanted some of that! We exchanged emails and she sent me some info. I clearly remember sitting at Burleigh hill watching Dr. Ruden and thinking that looks easy and light, surely it’s too good to be true?