Is Fear Inter-fearing?

Fear has just four letters, but it has a big impact on our lives. To help us understand this powerful emotion better, I've compiled ten fun tips and facts about fear:

  1. Fear is also known as False Evidence Appearing Real.

  2. Don't be afraid of the monster behind the door. There is no monster. You are the victim of a false belief. Take the time to examine your fears.

  3. If you fear failure, focus on success. If you fear sickness, focus on perfect health. If you fear accidents, focus on the best possible outcome and guidance. If you fear death, focus on eternal life.

  4. Normal fear is healthy, but excessive fear can be destructive. Indulging in fear leads to abnormal fear, obsessions, and complexes.

  5. You are born with two fears: the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. The third fear, abandonment, is acquired later in life. All other fears can be discarded.

  6. Learn to laugh at your fears. Hold them up to the light, examine them, and get to know them. Take back control by stripping your fears of their power.

  7. If you wouldn't let a child hold onto your fear, it's time to let it go.

  8. Write down your fears and ask them questions. Get to know them intimately. Ask them who they belong to and why they are here. Fall in love with your fears, and everything else will fall into place.

  9. Your fears are simply a desire for safety, security, and a way out. But they have become so familiar that they now protect you from exploring other possibilities.

  10. Do the thing you're afraid of doing. Even if you fail, you'll have fully owned your fear and gained valuable insight.

These tips are based on my years of studying the subconscious mind, and learning from world-class facilitators, neuroscience-based therapies, and intuitive guidance. I hope you find them as helpful as I have in integrating them into my life.

Remember, you have the freedom to live an incredible life with endless possibilities and opportunities. Choose love over fear. And if you want to learn more, there are plenty of videos about fear on YouTube!