I know this post may ruffle some feathers

The difference between meditation and medication is only a single letter - the letter 'C.' But what if the real difference lies in what we are not 'C' or seeing properly? And perhaps, it's all about the 'T' and timing.

It's time for society to recognise that we have the power to heal ourselves, overcome our pasts, and live a life of freedom, happiness, and wellness through our own minds. As part of a fast-growing minority, I believe there is room for both holistic therapies and conventional medicine to exist. However, I firmly believe in the power of holistic therapies.

For close to 10, I have taken about 6 panadol, and I've had one round of antibiotics in eight years. In my home, you'll only find bandaids and magnesium. Of course, in the case of an accident or emergency, I would rely on the advanced medical system to put me back together.

Despite having the most advanced medical system, we have the highest number of people suffering from dis-ease. We have a sick care system, not a health care system. We are treating symptoms instead of addressing the root causes of illnesses.

Where does a large percentage of dis-ease begin? It often starts with our experiences and the mind-body connection. By ignoring this connection, we fail to address the root causes of illness.

I know this post may ruffle some feathers, but I encourage you to explore my opinion and do your own research. The results may shock you.

We need to recognise the power of our own minds and the role they play in our overall health and well-being. While there is a time and place for conventional medicine, we must also embrace holistic therapies and address the root causes of illness. It's time to shift from a sick care system to a true healthcare system.

If this video has triggered you, please consider watching this video below or contacting me direct