Healing is a marathon, not a sprint.

Healing is a marathon, not a sprint. It is a journey that requires a commitment to oneself. It is effortless, fun, and easy, but only if one invests in themselves and avoids quick-fix bandaid solutions.

Consider a gym membership. It is a membership for a reason, to provide access to the facility when you want. The reason why results take time to achieve is that it takes commitment to show up and put in the work. If you have a personal trainer, you'll see results faster because you're held accountable, but you still need to want it.

There are various modalities of healing available, but it's important to remember that they're not all equal. I had tried many before finding Havening, and while most of them provided quick fixes, the real work started after the trauma had been released.

The real work involved answering some tough questions like, "Who am I?" "What do I want from life?" "How can I help others feel this sense of freedom?" Instead of playing the victim, I became a leader, and that role required me to be accountable.

I hired coaches who didn't deliver, had self-absorbed friends, and made choices that didn't serve my future self, but it was all part of the journey of integrating self. I wanted to feel free but didn't feel worthy of allowing myself to be. I was caught up in trying instead of doing.

Now, I don't care what others think. I am a healer, and I can help almost anyone, but I cannot help those who aren't willing to commit. Your results will be based on your willingness to do the work and integrate. The real question is, are you willing to be vulnerable, seen, and heard? If not, that's okay. But, if you're tired of walking around in Groundhog Day, reach out. I know I can help.

It may sound egoic or self-centered, but it's not. Time and time again, my clients have tried everything, and it's only when they try Havening that they finally find the help they need. Remember, healing is a marathon, and it takes time and effort to achieve real results. But, with the right mindset and commitment to oneself, anything is possible.