The Skill of Seeking Help: Breaking the Silence


In our fast-paced and often isolating world, I've realised that reaching out for help is a skill that many of us find challenging. I couldn't agree more with my own perspective when I point out that it's a skill we're somehow expected to know, yet it's never taught and rarely modelled for us. In this blog, I'd like to explore the importance of recognizing this skill, normalising the act of seeking help, and the transformative impact it can have on our lives.

The Silence We Carry

For many, including myself, the idea of reaching out for help can be accompanied by feelings of vulnerability and fear. Society often perpetuates the notion that we should be self-sufficient, strong, and capable of handling everything that life throws our way. As a result, I found myself silently struggling with my mental health, unable or unwilling to ask for the support I truly needed.

Breaking the Silence

My own powerful message reminds me that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a demonstration of courage and self-awareness. It's an acknowledgment that we don't have to navigate the complexities of life on our own. By breaking the silence and reaching out, we open the door to healing, growth, and resilience.

The Transformative Impact of Seeking Help

Seeking help is a transformational journey. It's about recognizing that we all have moments in life when we could use some guidance, someone to talk to, or a supportive hand to hold. Whether it's dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or any other mental health challenge, reaching out can be the first step towards recovery.

When I seek help, I'm no longer isolated in my struggles. I gain access to a network of resources, compassionate professionals, and a community of individuals who have faced similar challenges. This journey can lead to profound personal growth, self-discovery, and a sense of empowerment.

Changing the Conversation

My wisdom encourages me to change the conversation surrounding seeking help. It's not a last resort; it's a proactive choice. It's not a burden; it's an investment in our well-being. It's not a sign of defeat; it's a declaration of strength.

So, let's normalise seeking help. Let's teach ourselves and future generations that reaching out is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our humanity. Let's create an environment where asking for help is met with empathy, understanding, and support.

My own words remind me that the skill of seeking help is one of the most important skills I can acquire on my journey to holistic well-being. It's a skill that transcends societal expectations and empowers me to take control of my mental health.

I want to remember that seeking help is not a skill I should hide in silence. It's a skill I should celebrate and encourage, for it has the power to change lives, transform communities, and break the stigma surrounding mental health.