POC & POD - A Way to Clear Negative Energy and Create Space for Positive Change

Access Consciousness is one of my trained modalities that utilises various techniques to release limiting beliefs and patterns, promote self-awareness, and increase consciousness. One of the most widely used and powerful tools in Access Consciousness is the POC & POD (Point of Creation and Point of Destruction) process.

If you have listened to my Wake up Winning Meditation or worked with me in any capacity, you may have heard this statement.

POC & POD is a tool that helps to clear negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and energies that are holding you back from creating the life you desire. It is a simple yet powerful process that involves saying the phrase "POC & POD" or "Point of Creation and Point of Destruction" to release negative energies and allow new possibilities to come in.

The POC & POD process works on the principle that everything in the universe is energy, and that everything that exists has a point of creation and a point of destruction. When we say "POC & POD" we are essentially asking the universe to destroy the point of creation of the negative thought, emotion, belief or energy, and create a new possibility in its place.

The POC & POD process can be used to clear anything that is limiting you, including negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, past traumas, anxiety, stress, and more. By releasing these negative energies, you can create space for positive change and transformation in your life.

Here's how to do the POC & POD process:

  1. Identify the negative thought, emotion, belief or energy that you want to clear.

  2. Say the phrase "POC & POD" or "Point of Creation and Point of Destruction" three times.

  3. Visualise the negative thought, emotion, belief or energy being destroyed at its point of creation.

  4. Imagine a new possibility coming into existence in its place.

  5. Repeat the phrase "POC & POD" or "Point of Creation and Point of Destruction" until you feel a sense of release and relief.

It's important to note that the POC & POD process is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical treatment. However, it can be a powerful complement to other healing modalities and can help to promote self-awareness, inner peace, and personal growth.

In conclusion, the POC & POD process is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you to release negative energies and create new possibilities in your life. By using this technique regularly, you can start to shift your mindset, release limiting beliefs, and create a life that is more fulfilling and joyful.